Self-Improvement with Focus & Six Minutes To Success

By Jeff Grundy

In part 1 of my Six minutes to Success journal, we talked about whether self improvement programs were worth their time and effort.

Our discussion centered on if the self improvement industry actually helps people become successful or would they end up successful on there own anyway. I want to believe by using self improvement we can indeed increase are odds of becoming successful.

Yet again I ask, why do only a few make it, while the vast majority who try never accomplish much. I guess if anyone really new the answer, everyone could become successful. The Secret Movie claimed to have the answer, yet how many millions viewed the movie, with no positive results?

Maybe a better answer might relate to individual needs and traits. That their is no one real path to success, no one secret to open your door to wealth or what ever you may be seeking. This allows for individual hope that self improvement is a viable course of action.

For many life is awesome and this is where I believe Six Minutes To Success comes in. While most self Improvement programs, book, audios and DVDs claim they know the way, not Bob Proctors Six Minutes to Success. His videos let you know there is a path, not this is the way and you must follow it.

So many self-help books start out by promising the world if you only do what they tell you to. Yet Bob Proctor gets you to think about what you are doing or not doing, thus letting you create your own path to success.

Is Six Minutes to Success the key to your success? Certainly not, well not for the vast majority of it's users. Yet those who can focus on the lessons and themselves will certainly have a better chance at success.

OK back to the beginning, Is Self Help effective. As you can guess I have to answer no for most people. Yet for those who are willing to put in the effort and focus, I believe you will have a better chance. I certainly do not have the answer.

One factor that I believe is helpful is a mastermind group. Thus in order to help myself and others interested I have started a weekly podcast in which the listeners are able to participate. If this is something you may be interested in, you can out more information at my website 30 wasted years. Six minutes to success is not required to participate.

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