10 eBook Design Tips That Every Designer Should Know About!
For those who wish to make the conversion rate of their digital product or newsletter rise, I have listed here some very important ebook design tips that you can apply to ensure this will happen for you. One of any ebook's most crucial aspects is it's ebook cover design, as it is there to show your future readers exactly what can be expected in terms of the ebook's subject, as well as providing a means of which they can get an idea of what the quality of it's contents will be like.
Since you want your customers to appreciate you new ebook both before AND after they have bought, it is recommended that you use good ebook design within the ebook layout also.
eBook Cover Design
For conversions to jump considerably when using an ebook cover design you must make sure that there are 3 primary attributes being met. These are, firstly, that it is easy to to look upon and artistically pleasing in some way, that there is a higher value perceived for the product it represents, and that it is clearly on par with or better than other professionals in the market.
There are a number of ways for you to make sure that your cover design is effective. You should not rush the creation of your eBook cover design. You are going to want an eBook cover design with a readable font style and size, an image that fits well with the concept of the eBook, and a design that is visually appealing without any clutter.
If your ebook has been written professionally and the ebook cover design is attractive and authoritative, then readers are going to be much more willing to trust what you say and instruct- leading both many more conversions and sales over time.
eBook Design Internally
The inside eBook design on the other hand has a different set of requirements. You should include images in your eBook design, but they should be proportionate to the written content rather than overwhelming it.
When it comes to the font color used inside your ebook design, you need to remember that reading is tiring after a while- and so anything you can do to make the text easier to read will be appreciated. This means usually a black text on a white background is best, with few exceptions within text boxes and the like.
To save you ebook reader from the trouble of scanning for pages and sections manually, it is recommended that you make your table of contents clickable and easy to navigate with related page numbers displayed clearly.
A well written, well put together eBook design is one that utilizes readable fonts and colors, a solid and easy to maneuver layout and short pages in a font that is sized well not only for reading on a computer, but also for printing as well.
While images shouldn't be placed on every page of your ebook layout, you should try to have only around 300 words per page which will allow for assorted images and chapter titles to be placed wherever necessary.
To help get a much needed new perspective on your ebook design you should consider also printing a portion of it out onto paper. Simply seeing it in ink will often times trigger new ideas and help you make the changes you're after.
Your skillfully applied ebook design elements will certainly lead to better conversions in that new prospects will be much more comfortable putting their trust in you, and existing customers will be inclined to tell their friends about the quality of your product or offer.
Since you want your customers to appreciate you new ebook both before AND after they have bought, it is recommended that you use good ebook design within the ebook layout also.
eBook Cover Design
For conversions to jump considerably when using an ebook cover design you must make sure that there are 3 primary attributes being met. These are, firstly, that it is easy to to look upon and artistically pleasing in some way, that there is a higher value perceived for the product it represents, and that it is clearly on par with or better than other professionals in the market.
There are a number of ways for you to make sure that your cover design is effective. You should not rush the creation of your eBook cover design. You are going to want an eBook cover design with a readable font style and size, an image that fits well with the concept of the eBook, and a design that is visually appealing without any clutter.
If your ebook has been written professionally and the ebook cover design is attractive and authoritative, then readers are going to be much more willing to trust what you say and instruct- leading both many more conversions and sales over time.
eBook Design Internally
The inside eBook design on the other hand has a different set of requirements. You should include images in your eBook design, but they should be proportionate to the written content rather than overwhelming it.
When it comes to the font color used inside your ebook design, you need to remember that reading is tiring after a while- and so anything you can do to make the text easier to read will be appreciated. This means usually a black text on a white background is best, with few exceptions within text boxes and the like.
To save you ebook reader from the trouble of scanning for pages and sections manually, it is recommended that you make your table of contents clickable and easy to navigate with related page numbers displayed clearly.
A well written, well put together eBook design is one that utilizes readable fonts and colors, a solid and easy to maneuver layout and short pages in a font that is sized well not only for reading on a computer, but also for printing as well.
While images shouldn't be placed on every page of your ebook layout, you should try to have only around 300 words per page which will allow for assorted images and chapter titles to be placed wherever necessary.
To help get a much needed new perspective on your ebook design you should consider also printing a portion of it out onto paper. Simply seeing it in ink will often times trigger new ideas and help you make the changes you're after.
Your skillfully applied ebook design elements will certainly lead to better conversions in that new prospects will be much more comfortable putting their trust in you, and existing customers will be inclined to tell their friends about the quality of your product or offer.
About the Author:
Kieren P. Moran has done ebook cover design for a long time now. His approach is now very professional, and his turn-around time is second to none. He is now specialized in creating awesome ebook design for clients the wold over, while being based at his site called TrustyCovers.com.