Starting an Online Business - The Foundation

By Lillian Latham

You have decided to start an online business because you need more money. Robert Kyosaki, author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series of books advises that a part time home business is always better than a part time job. Simply because with a part time job you will never ever increase the amount of money you make without working more hours, with a part time business, the sky is the limit. Getting started with an online business takes less money than any other business provided you are prepared to do most of the work yourself. Depending on how much disposal income you have at your command, you can outsource quite a lot of the work, but it does still take work.

Before you start you need to ask yourself if you are sufficiently motivated. Motivation depends on why you want to do it. Tony Robbins teaches that the reason you need to do something rates much stronger than the methods you use to get the job done.

Time spent building a business is time not spent with your family, watching tv or being with friends. So why do you want to do it? Do you want to build a college fund for the kids? Generate extra income so that you can afford to take the family on Vacation? Do you want to pay off your mortgage? Create a passive income so that your retirement is easier?

Visualize what it is going to be like to have a successful online business. Think about your customers who are happy to send you money because you are providing a much needed product or service. Think about the money growing in your bank account, and you able to provide for the needs of your family and have money over to give to friends in need and donate to charity.

Get a three by five index card and write out your personal goal. It can be the amount of money you need or a specific objective. For example, "take the family on vacation next year" or "have enough money in the bank to pay for a years college tuition". Then read this index card alound morning and evening - a technique recommended by Napoleon Hill of "Think and Grow Rich" fame.

The next step is to decide what kind of business should you start. Creating your own product or finding one that you can buy to resell or become an affiliate. The quick start method is to become an affiliate which means that you are selling someone elses product for a commision. Product creation is not only a lot of work but takes time and authors tend to get caught in a perfectionist cycle and never get started. Remember, you are going to start a business and to get up and running you need to get going and that means affiliate products.

The first step is to make a plan, commit to doing at least one action a day for the next month. If that seems too daunting then commit to an action plan for the next week. The kind of action plan I mean has you giving yourself a day to choose a product; a day to do keyword reseach; a day to get a domain name registered; a day to choose your web hosting company and so on.

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