Staying Motivated Is The Main Key To Blogging Success!

By Albert Hallado

Wow! Here we are in 2009 and I'm well on my way with creating more graphic templates for my money making blog! In case you don't know who I am, my name is Albert Hallado and I'm a full time blogger.

One of the king reasons I want to talk about blogging is that I believe it is so important is because of the significant amount of revenue that I have generated using my wordpress blog. I don't say that to brag, but I humbly explain this to my students and followers simply so I can motivate them to do the same.

Whether it's losing a job or dealing with the financial stress of not having money to support my family, I've had my share of hardships. Through it all, I managed through my faith in God and my loving family to be consistent by blogging at least twice a week for the past year or so.

But through it all, I kept my faith in God and my family who stood by me every step of the way helped endure me through those difficult times and now we are reaping the benefits of that foundation.

I was fortunate and blessed to have those who were around me at that time and those that loved me gave me words of encouragment to keep at it and be consistent in everything that you are doing. By doing that, and through God's help, I overcame and now am living a dream that is very rewarding for my family and myself.

This is my main motivation for writing this article. If you down, than let me say that everything is going to be ok. If you are in doubt, I say do what you do best and be consistent at what you do.

Channel in on that, and use it for your fire to motivate yourself in life and in becoming a successful online business entrepreneur. Whatever it may be for you, utilize it and let that being your push establishing a consistent plan for your online blogging patterns.

Find what is positive in your life and use that as a motivation tool to began your journey to making your online business successful. For me, it was my family. You see my kids only see the good in me and they are always so happy. Maybe it is because they are so young, but it has made me realize is that this is why I blog!

Remember, it requires patience and consistency so don't give up. Use whatever it is that motivates you, whether that is your kids, your family, your faith to help propel your online business to the next level.

Keep everything in its proper perspective and focus on what makes you happy. It sounds simple and easy I know, but I speak from being there myself. Simple and easy makes it much more applicable during times when nothing seems simple and easy.

My objective for this story is to be an encouragement and a source of good will to my fellow online bloggers. Much like those who encouraged me during my time of darkness and want to give back and be the same to you!

Here's to your success in 2009!

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