Save Thousands on Lap Band Surgery Abroad

By Michael Dunage

A relatively new procedure even in the west, the Lap Band surgery involves taking a vinyl ring filled with saline and placing it around the upper portion of the stomach, constricting the stomach outlet in that area and creating an upper pouch that holds the food after eating. It is an excellent and safe way to lose weight.

Those with poor or no health insurance, unfortunately, often cannot pay for such a surgery in the U.S. and must save or take out a substantial loan. One great option is to have the Lap Band Surgery abroad. One of the biggest advantages to having the Lap Band surgery abroad is the cost, which is seventy to ninety percent off the U.S. prices.

Those that travel abroad find that lap band surgery is very cost effective. These modern facilities for lap band treatments abroad are modern and the technology is on par with those in the U.S. There are various destinations to choose from when deciding to have your lap band surgery procedure abroad.

Several top destinations such as mexico, costa rica, thailand, brazil and turkey are suitable for receiving a lap band surgery. It is best to locate a doctor or specialist who is board certified to perform such procedure. These specialists, have usually performed thousands of lap band surgery procedures abroad and belong to accredited institutions and have high standards.

English is either the native or second language of most of the doctors recommended and that have performed lap band surgery procedures on International patients. They will be more suitable to explain if you are a good candidate for this type procedure and the disadvantages and the advantages for receiving the treatment.

The doctor will answer all your questions about Lap Band surgery. Mexico is a nearby country that overall has a great deal of experience with Lap Band surgery. Mexico hospitals used for this type of surgery are completely modern and offer luxury hospital rooms for their traveling patients.

The nursing staff is well trained and prepares you for having your Lap Band surgery. Mexico surgical suites are similar to those in the U.S. The anesthesia is the same and is as safe as that in the U.S. and the Lap Band device is identical to those found in the U.S. Overall, it is an excellent choice for Lap Band Surgery.

Another destination for lap band surgery is Turkey. This exotic location is great for both surgery, treatment and also tourism. The medical centers are very modern and clean. The quality of care is very similar the the U.S. if not better. This destination is also a great option as with Mexico even though the cost of a lap band surgery is slightly higher.

Most of the doctors performing lap band or bariatric surgery in Turkey are board certified. Similar to Mexico, this procedure provides a pleasurable and safe experience.

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